Ayurveda teaches that a happy mind is essential factor for overall health and wellbeing. Stress has become a day today problem in our modern way of living. Every one from the school going children to grand mothers are suffering from some kind of stress in their life. Ongoing continuous stress is the chronic stress which is part of every man and women’s life these days.

This Stress can make changes to our health negatively. It can cause hormonal, respiratory, cardiovascular and nervous system changes in our body. If we are angry, scared, worried and nervous for days it causes chronic stress .A stressed person, may experience agitation,, frustration, lonely, worthless, moody behaviour .low energy, diarrhoea, constipation, body aches, tense muscles, insomnia etc. the symptoms can sometimes be vague ,also constant worrying, forgetting things and being negative about everything.

Ayurveda has a good understanding about mind, its gunas and functions and prescribed variety of therapies for mental health. With the holistic approach of Ayurveda, a lot of stress related issues can be addressed. The different treatments include shirodhara, phytotherapy, counselling and combination of yoga and breathing techniques.

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