Our Center

Brigitte, the founder of Elaneha is the one who dreamed, a long time ago, of a place full of life, where people - small or tall, square or round, green or blue - would feel good and energized. Roundness, colors, softness, intensity, sounds and scents, silence and laughter, fluidity, honey and spices, openness, body, mind and soul, all are aligned.

In sync with Elaneha’s dream, Dr. Neela Sheth’s mission is to build a happy and healthy society with holistic and proactive ayurveda care.

Ayurveda, literally the "science of life" is the oldest medicine on earth. This holistic science carries a profound body of knowledge for understanding ourselves within the laws of nature. Ayurveda is more than a medicine, it is a philosophy of life; it includes many aspects which aim at nurturing a healthy life, a state of being where one feels well. According to this 5000-year-old knowledge, it is all a question of balance between body, mind, soul and nature.

A big red house on shores of lake leman and behind beautiful vineyards and Jura we have a perfect set up for personalized ayurveda consultations, panchkarma therapies as well as for group yoga and other workshops.

A Red House ‘Elaneha’

A Red House ‘Elaneha’

Consultation Room

Consultation Room

Panchkarma Personal Space

Panchkarma Personal Space

Group Workshop Area

Group Workshop Area

Yoga & Meditation Room

Yoga & Meditation Room

Prendre rendez-vous

Book an appointment

+41 (0) 76 27 33 250

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