Ayurvedic Medicinal Plants

In Ayurvedic treatments the medicinal plants are prescribed by the doctor for cure and prevention of various diseases. These plants are the gifts of nature which have properties to work as medicines for humans. In ayurvedic texts their is description of the properties of these plants and their actions and use in various health problems. Ayurvedic medicinal plants have been classified according to their properties like Rasa, Guna, Virya, Vipaka. This classification help us how to manage/ work medicinal plants to cure diseases. To give examples many ayurvedic herbs used have shown very promising results like turmeric and its derivative curcumin are very good antioxidants. Tinspora cordifolia has been tested for its hepato- protective nature etc. These plants can be used as single plant medicine or many combinations are done or formulations made based on classical formulations.


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